
5: Consideration of stakeholder roles

Many of the people involved with us all contribute to our success to a greater or lesser extent. The contributions of these people are important and their rights need to be considered. They include creditors, government and private sector, subsidiaries, and our management, staff and employees. All of these people will contribute to our success to the end.

5-1:  Employees
Our policy is to maintain high product quality by securing excellent employees. We fully reward the efforts of our employees. We will comply with the provisions of laws and regulations such as minimum wage, overtime allowance, and other benefits. One of the long-term benefits programs we offer to our employees is the Provident Fund, which reserves employee salaries and prepares for retirement, disability, injury and illness and unemployment. Since 2008, we have been receiving the “Good Labor-Management Relations Award” from the Ministry of Industry of Thailand, and in 2017, we received a special award from the Ministry of Industry for achieving the award for 10 consecutive years. In summary, we offer a variety of benefits programs to our employees for better living, better health, family support, etc., and as a result, our employees are more expensive. We are able to maintain motivation and motivation and ensure long-term service.

The following is a summary of the benefits programs offered to employees.

Economic promotion Health Promotion Family support Comfort etc.
Retirement benefits Life and non-life insurance Paid leave, injury and illness leave, maternity leave, etc. Uniform supply
Provident fund Annual health checkup, special health checkup Consideration of working conditions for pregnant women, employee death benefits, support for disaster victims, etc. Employee cafeteria, low-priced sales of goods
Social insurance Medical expenses assistance (including dentistry) METCO Employee Family Funeral Mutual Aid Fund Commuter bus
METCO Employee Funeral Mutual Aid Fund Medical office (AED equipment)   Recreational activities (Sports Day, New Year’s party, etc.)
Night shift allowance Fitness equipment    
Perfect attendance allowance      
Service allowance      
Meal allowance      
Fuel allowance      
Long-term service commendation      
President’s commendation system      
Employment extension system      
Special bonus      

5-1-1:  Workplace health and safety

In addition, we comply with workplace health and safety laws and regulations, establish a safe working environment, promote health, prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, and protect employees and related parties from dangerous acts. We will continue and rigorously work to eradicate accidents that lead to the loss of life, assets and production processes. To achieve the above objectives, the Board of Directors has established the following health and safety / environmental policies.

5-1-2: Health and Safety / Environmental Policy

Muramoto Electron (Thailand) Public Company Limited places the highest priority on workplace safety and hygiene, creates high-quality products with low environmental impact that satisfy customers, and fulfills activities that all employees can participate in to create a sustainable society. To contribute to the realization of

1. 1. Comply with laws and regulations and requirements regarding health and safety and the environment.

2. 2. Promote health promotion for all employees and related parties, and prevent work injuries and illnesses, dangers from all activities, and damage to human, physical and production.

3. 3. We will do our utmost to suppress and prevent the adverse effects that may occur due to our business activities, and build an environment-friendly manufacturing system.

In addition, in order to achieve this policy, management will make all employees understand the policy and thoroughly promote business activities under the following motto.

“We will manufacture high-quality products, promote efforts for safety, health and environmental consideration, and fulfill our social responsibilities.”

We are certified as an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with OHSAS18001. Based on the above policy and management system, we are implementing the annual plan for environmental and safety improvement activities. The following are examples of items included in the plan.

(1) Keep the IFR (work accident frequency rate) and ISR (work accident intensity rate) of each factory below the lowest in the last 10 years.

(2) Based on laws and regulations, 100% of all applicable persons will be given a special health examination according to the health risks of the workplace.

The statistics of occupational accidents and illnesses over the last three years are as follows. In the event of an occupational accident and / or illness, it will be reported to management to investigate the cause and make necessary improvements.

  2020 2019 2018
Occupational accidents (less than 3 days off) (number of cases) 0 1 2
Occupational accidents (3 days or more closed) (number of cases) 2 1 1
ISR (Occupational Accident Intensity Rate) 2.64 0.75 0.11
Occupational illness (number of cases) 0 0 0

5-1-3:  Employee education and development

The Board of Directors has a human resources development policy. In accordance with this policy, we provide our employees with programs for capacity building and knowledge building through continuous education and training aimed at sustainable growth. Throughout 2020, we have provided employees in all departments with a variety of job-related education and training programs as shown in the table below.

Training course (type) Number of students Training hours Composition ratio (%)
Basic program (company introduction, communication) 39 39 234 7.3
Leadership / Workplace Psychology Program ―――― ―――― ――――
Productivity / quality improvement related programs 52 52 312 9.7
ISO standard / other management tool related programs 120 960 30.0
Safety / Environmental Laws and Methods Related Programs 104 699 21.8
General matters (introduction education, cost management, English, PC, etc.) 308 852 26.6
Complementary course 49 147 4.6
total 672 3,204 100.0

The number of training hours per employee was 5 hours.

In addition to these, we have introduced a Career Path / Promotion Program as a mechanism to provide rewards that go beyond short-term financial means. Through the Career Path and Promotion Program, the Human Resources Department works to improve the knowledge and potential of employees. In the Career Path / Promotion Program, the Human Resources Department sets a model career path, continuously evaluates each employee’s ability to perform their duties, provides appropriate education and training packages, and selects candidates for promotion. Select. These activities benefit both employees who are motivated to develop and promote themselves and our company who are looking for new talented people.

5-2:  Human Rights
We attach great importance to basic human rights and are discriminated against by such rights, nationality, religion, color, age, gender, personal gender orientation, ethnicity, physical disability or marital status. We strive to respect our unprecedented freedom and do not restrict our participation in political activities. We do not allow forced labor or child labor and take steps to prevent violence, sexual abuse and physical and mental coercion.

5-3:  Customers
We aim to achieve the highest customer satisfaction by providing high quality and safe products and services to our customers and focusing on prompt response to customer or consumer complaints. We strive to maintain sustainable relationships with our customers.

5-4:  Competitors
Our policy is to operate our business in an ethical, impartial and transparent manner. We infringe on our competitors’intellectual property and trademark rights, deliberately undermine our competitors’ reputation, seek out competitors’ sensitive information in an improper manner, dumping and unfairly predominantly. You will not be involved in unfair competition in any way you like.

5-5:  Business Partners
To ensure the best supply and quality of raw materials, we strive to enter into and maintain fair contracts with our business partners and have a loyal and well-supported relationship with our business partners. .. The Board of Directors has established a policy on supplier management and clarified our responsibilities to business partners and the fair treatment of business partners. We inform, educate and promote understanding of this policy and the practice of selecting, registering, evaluating and auditing business partners based on this policy. We will continue to strive to maintain sustainable relationships by receiving products and services from our business partners in a stable manner.

5-6:  Creditors
We have a policy of dealing with any creditors in a responsible, honest and fair manner. We will strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as the conditions stipulated in the contract. In the unlikely event of non-compliance, we will notify the creditor immediately and work together to find a solution. We will always operate our business in a sustainable manner so that we can earn the trust of creditors and achieve the interests of both parties.

5-7: 地域社会への貢献と協力

5-8:  環境基準の遵守

5-9: 知的財産権及びソフトウェアの著作権の侵害の防止

5-9-1: 当社は、当社が使用する情報が他者のいかなる知的財産権及び著作権を侵害しないことを常に確認する。

5-9-2: 当社は、取締役、経営陣及び従業員に、知的財産権及び著作権に関する法律を確実に遵守させる。

5-9-3: 当社は、取締役、経営陣及び従業員が、当社事業のために違法ソフトを用いることを許可せず、そのように仕向けることもしない。

5-9-4: 取締役、経営陣及び従業員に対し当社が与えた職責、職務、教育訓練、指導に起因して生じた知的財産権及び著作権は、当社に帰属する。

5-9-5: 当社は、取締役、経営陣及び従業員が、当社の知的財産権及び著作権を、個人的目的のために使用することを許さない。

5-10: 汚職防止の方針と対応

5-10-1: 取締役、経営陣、従業員は、仕事を獲得、維持するため、又は競争上の優位を確保するため、あるいは自分、家族、友人又は知り合いの利益のため、汚職行為や、政府官僚に対するもしくは当社と取引のある企業の係員からの贈収賄に直接・間接を問わず、一切関与しない。

5-10-2: 取締役、経営陣、従業員がサプライヤー、取引先、関係者からのプレゼントを直接又は間接に受け取ることを禁じる。合理的な理由でプレゼントを受け取らなければならない場合は、社内イベントでの賞品や慈善寄付に充てるものとし、取締役、経営陣、従業員は上司に報告の上、そのプレゼントを人事部に渡すものとする。

5-10-3: 自己の利益又は仲間の利益のために、パトロン・クライアント関係や独占体制を持つことを禁じる。

5-10-4: 取締役、経営陣、管理者が、実際の業績評価と異なる評価結果とする見返りに、従業員からの報酬・利益を要求又は受け取ることを禁じる。

5-10-5: 購買・調達にあたっては、当社の購買・調達手順、承認権限レベルに従い、透明性が確認でき、全員を公平に扱えるやり方で業務を行う。

5-10-6: 購買・調達に関し、金額を少なくし、当社が定める承認権限の枠を不当に回避するため、注文書を小分けすることを禁じる。

5-10-7: 贈収賄又は汚職に該当する疑いのある行為を見つけた場合は、従業員は、直属の上司、あるいは下記汚職情報通報チャンネルに通報する。

  1. 監査委員会の委員長 auditcommittee@metco.co.th
  2. 監査委員 auditcommittee@metco.co.th
  3. 代表取締役社長 whistleblow@metco.co.th
  4. 代表取締役副社長 whistleblow@metco.co.th
  5. 内部監査部 internalaudit@metco.co.th
  6. 各工場の情報提供用赤箱


5-10-8: 汚職に関する情報を告発した者については、上記のいずれの方法で告発した場合でも、当社は、告発者の氏名、住所又は告発者の身元特定が可能な情報を秘密情報として管理する。情報にアクセスできるのはその内容を確認する担当者に限る。

5-10-9: 取締役、経営陣、従業員が汚職行為をした場合、懲戒処分として免職となる可能性がある。また、違法行為をした者は法律により罰せられる可能性もある。

5-10-10: 直属の上司が部下の不正行為を無視したり、本方針に従って正しく処置しない場合は、その上司は懲戒処分を受け免職となる可能性がある。

5-10-11: 本方針及び/又は関連法律を認識しないことを理由に、本方針を遵守しないことは認められない。

5-10-12: 内部監査部は、内部統制システムが汚職・贈収賄を効率的に防止することを確信できるよう、内部統制システム及びその他のプロセスを常に監査する。

5-10-13: When there is a complaint or report, a subcommittee will be set up in the Corporate Governance Committee to examine and investigate the facts.

5-10-14: Educate employees to familiarize and deepen their understanding of anti-corruption policies and measures.

In 2019, the Risk Management Committee conducted a corruption risk assessment. According to the “Guide for Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment” published by the United Nations Global Compact, it is also attached to Attachment 1 of the “Corruption Countermeasure Self-Assessment Tool” of the Private Cooperation for Anti-Corruption (CAC). It was conducted on a trial basis using the “Corruption Risk Assessment Table”. The committee reported the results to the Board of Directors as part of its annual risk management report. (See the “Risk Factors and Risk Management” section of our annual report for a summary.) Thus, we will set up an annual anti-corruption assessment procedure, along with practical anti-corruption measures. And.

5-11:   Whistleblowers and Complaints
We have committed corruption and other illegal, unethical and fraudulent acts by our directors, management or employees, and any acts that violate our Code of Ethical Code of Conduct. It is our policy to support and encourage employees and other interested parties to accuse us of any such incident. Employees and other stakeholders may provide the Board with information, comments, concerns, reports, suggestions and complaints regarding such cases through the channels below.

For employees:

  1. Head of the department
  2. Audit Committee Chairman or Member auditcommittee@metco.co.th
  3. President, Vice President, Other Directors whistleblow@metco.co.th
  4. Internal Audit Department internalaudit@metco.co.th
  5. Red box for providing information of each factory

For other stakeholders:  

  1. Email whistleblow@metco.co.th
  2. Website metco.co.th

The Company Secretary collects all accusations and submits them to the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors, depending on the content. We will keep all accusations confidential and will not inflict any disadvantage (dismissal, demotion, suspension, intimidation, harassment, or other unfair treatment) against those who have been accusated in good faith. We have policies and mechanisms to protect and provide appropriate feedback. In 2020, there were no complaints to the Board of Directors through this whistleblower channel.